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Affirming Faith • 8900 Ortonville Road, Clarkston, MI  48348 • (248) 909-5735

© 2017 Affirming Faith

Ministry Testimonials

Sister Lori Wagner was mightily used of the Lord! Stomach ulcers healed, ears with hearing loss restored, Kidney disorders healed. Jesus is a healer!

Rev. Richard Vincent

August, 2015

We sure enjoyed having you here in August. I just wanted to let you know some of the results from the Sunday evening service that you ministered in. As you know, many people came forward for a miracle that they needed in their life. Since that time, three people have come to us to tell us that they received a healing in their body and another has received a financial miracle. Another is seeing God work in a family situation. 


We thank God for all He is doing! Thank you for being sensitive to God's voice!

Daphne Carter

August 2015

You were awesome, girl! Our ladies are still talking about you and the retreat. I have received phone calls, as well, from some of our church ladies around the District. You were just what our ladies needed. Thank you so much for being open and transparent. Your ministry reaches many due to your sensitivity.

Lori Simons

May 2011

Thank you so much for those few words you spoke to my daughter Sunday night. She has been having such a hard time these last three years since her father passed and she has been very much in her own little world . . . it's been a very long time since I've seen her smile with hope in her eyes!

Name Withheld

December 2010

You did an amazing job at the Ladies Conference. I have heard nothing but good reports! People were healed Friday and then received amazing instruction Saturday. Thank you for giving of yourself unto the Lord.​


Betty Barker

April 2010

Just wanted to tell you I enjoyed hearing you speak in Saginaw this past Fall. A few things you said have really stuck with me, and I have been working hard on them. God prepared me for what you taught and has been dealing with me in these areas as He is doing a work in transforming my family. Thank you for your love and sensitivity to the body of Christ.

Amy Griffin

June 2010

I just finished reading Buttercup, in less than 24 hours! Thank you for a wonderful escape from reality! I love how your writing takes you there! I felt as if I was sitting in that cabin in Briar Hollow! I'll impatiently wait for Book 3!

Chrissy Denton

March 2015

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My husband and I pastor a church we started seven years ago in Vacaville, California. Last night at our Ladies Devotional we closed out the Bible Study Wisdom is a Lady. I wanted to personally say thank you for putting what God has given you and your personal revelations into a Bible study for others to learn from. The ladies of The Pentecostals of Vacaville thoroughly enjoyed each lesson. We watched your DVD, used your books, took notes, and you taught us that "Wisdom Builds." Thank you!

Andrea Whiseant

June 2015

I love your game! Thank you for sharing it. Also, I love your new book, The Pure Life. Just read, "I think what pleases the Lord the most is when we learn from our mistakes and keep trying and keep growing." That will preach!


Thanks for all the great resources you have allowed the Lord to use you to produce.

Rev. Bobbi Morehead

June 2016

Your small group study, Wisdom is a Lady, was awesome! We were so blessed as each lesson unfolded and the Lord spoke to our hearts collectively and individually. The last lesson finale was the icing on the cake! Thank you! You are a great blessing!

Susan Leport

March 2015

At General Conference, my husband and I met you at your booth and purchased your book Insight on Ministry from a Christmas Tree Farm. I just finished this book tonight.

Due to recent losses, the wounds seem so fresh, but your book was such a help. I want to thank you for the time you spent in research, and the time you spent in communion with the Lord in order to produce such a helpful book. You will never fully know just how much your book about ministry truly ministered to me.

I pray that many more leaders purchased your book during General Conference and that they, too, received help for their particular field of labor.

Even though it seems I am looking at "stumps," I sincerely appreciate one of your last comments to "take time to smell the evergreens in your field . . . and rejoice!"

Name Withheld

November 2011

Thank you for your life-changing words at the Summons to Sacrifice in St. Louis. You only spoke a few minutes, but, WOW! Some things you said impacted me deeply . . . set me free to be me in prayer, to walk in God's calling for my life. My prayer life and mindset changed as a result of your powerful words! I am forever grateful to you. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you!

Cynthia Martin

June 2010

I just wanted to tell that your book Holy Intimacy is really awesome. :) I learned a lot from it, and you made some awesome connections that just wowed me. Studying about the ark of the covenant is just really interesting and it is amazing how God works.


Abigail Zuloaga

May 2011

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Lori Wag


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